The thought of 24-hour security and medical care sounds great but the reality is that you are moving into an institution. Where curfews and visiting hours are mandatory. Can you imagine the thought of leaving your friends and family from the neighborhood you lived and the home where happy memories are cherished? Do you think the visits from your grand kids would be the same if you were in your home vs. an institution?
Their interactions in a facility would have to be socially acceptable to avoid interference with the facilities rules and regulations. Do you think you and your grand kids would have the same level of comfort as visiting you at home and how would that affect the number of visits? Sure, your adult children will be happy knowing that you will be taken care of but what about you? Are you going to be happy? Either today or tomorrow the adult children may have to make the decision for you but in the meantime, you can continue to live in the comfort of your own HOME by making some modification with simple safety amenities and major ones like lifts. Your HOME is the place you are most familiar with and where your friends are. Let us come to your HOME, assess it, and give you our recommendation list. The cost for a physical therapist to come to your house and for a detailed home medication report is only $250. He or She will recommend the best equipment for the specific activity you love and will provide general safety guidelines to stay at HOME. By taking this offer are you not only doing what is best for you but you are also easing the worries of your children regarding your safety. The regular prize is $500 but as an introductory offering, it is only $250. Call now to get it for only $250.